Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A new kind of ICE CREAM!

Okay, I have discovered something that EVERYONE NEEDS TO TRY! Seriously.

Personally, I am an ice cream freak. I eat ice cream as much as possible.  That doesn’t work out very well when I’m trying to be skinny be healthy. But I have found a pretty good alternative:

SO Delicious Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches! These things are seriously amazing. I think I like them even better than a regular ice cream sandwich (which I never knew was possible) AND I don’t feel so guilty when I eat them! They are only 100 calories. They are also dairy free, so they would be perfect for anyone who is lactose intolerant!

So far I have only found them at Trader Joes, but I have not looked very hard anywhere else either. I’ve seen vanilla, coconut, and banana split flavor. Funny thing is, I don’t even like coconut, so don’t let that scare you off- it doesn’t actually taste like coconut!

The family I babysit for eats very healthy and organic and they alwaaays have these in stock, the kids love them!

So yeah, try them! J You will fall in love.  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bucket List

I think it is so important for people to have goals that they are working towards, no matter how big or small they are. It could be acing a test next week or writing a book, anything! I notice that when I have something I am working towards, I am generally more happy and excited about life. Plus, you know that accomplished feeling when you cross something off of your daily to-do list (I am an obsessive list maker)? Imagine how good it feels to cross something off of your life BUCKET LIST! I encourage everyone to write down their dreams and start working towards them! Because really- what is life without dreams?!

*I'll be adding to this list as new goals come to me, and crossing off ones that I have accomplished!

My Bucket List

    1. Go to Alaska
2. Shoot a buck and mount it in my house
3. Have a library in my future house filled with books
4. Write a novel- attempt to get it published!
5. Set foot in all 50 states/Road trip across the US
6. Help someone get into or through college
7. Get my hunting license
8. Get a Welsh Corgi and train him/teach him tricks
9. Go to Nashville
10. Go to New York-ride in a carriage in the snow and see a Broadway play
11. See a play in San Francisco
12. Write a blog
13. Learn to cook one fancy dish that I can make in a flash
14. Throw a block party
15. Buy a stock
16. Own real estate
17. Help someone less fortunate in a big way (e.g. help a homeless person find a job)
18. Have whiskey in a pub in Ireland
19. Go to Italy
20. Own a cabin on a lake
21. Take a painting class
22. Learn to play the Piano
23. Re-learn/continue learning sign language
24. Own my own business- a speech pathology clinic for stroke patients would be a dream come true!
25. Own a real piece of art
26. Refinish a piece of furniture
27. Get my Masters degree
28. Go to Bora Bora
29. Go to Australia & see a kangaroo
30. Go to Paris
31. Go to New Orleans
32. Go to Washington DC
33. Go to Bahamas
34. Go to Disneyworld in Florida
35. Knit a blanket for my grandma
36. Start and keep a journal
37. Join a life group/bible study
38. Read the bible cover to cover
39. Pick a favorite charity and donate to it regularly- or more than one!
40. Volunteer- find my favorite place to volunteer and spend time there regularly
41. Have a daughter and deck her out in anchor attire (go Delta Gamma)- Or a son if I have to!
42. Try chicken and waffles
43. Start my own volunteer organization, even if its small
44. Buy a last minute plane ticket & go on a surprise vacation
45. Host a foreign exchange student
46. Go on a mission trip
     47. Become a foster parent
48. Get my PhD
49. Be a professor at a college for some amount of time, even if its just one class
50. Own my own gun

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Bachelor Fantasy Draft

I don’t know about you but lately every time I turn around all I hear about is football and football fantasy leagues! I blame this on having both a boyfriend and roommate who are in several different fantasy leagues. I never really understood their obsession, UNTIL….

….I was introduced to the Bachelor Fantasy Draft! To be honest, I was never an avid viewer of the Bachelor but I would watch the show sporadically because my roommates all love it. Well thanks to my friend, Hannah, who read about the Bachelor Fantasy Draft on Pinterest and organized the draft (complete with dinner & desert!), I now understand the fantasy league obsession! This is the perfect way to perk up your Mondays and a great excuse for a fun weekly get together with your girlfriends!

The draft is really simple. It looks like the Bachelor Fantasy Draft originated here, we just changed up our game from different versions we found online and molded it to how we liked it best. This is how we played:

1. Go to ABC.com and make a packet for the Bachelor girls (like the one in the picture above). 

2. Draw numbers out of a hat (there were 11 of us so we had numbers 1-11).

3. Round one: Starting with #1, each girl went through and picked a "team member." The same team member could not be chosen twice. This continued until all 11 girls had picked 1 team member. 

4. Round one cont.: The 11 girls then went through again in the same order and picked another team member from the packet. Since this is the same round, no team member can be picked if they were already chosen (even in the first draft pick from step 3). This makes it hard! 

5. After that, we redrew our numbers 1-11 and repeated steps 3-4 again in the new order. Except now no girl could be chosen more than twice AT ALL in all four of the draft picks. That is where it got really tricky! I mean really people were being forced to pick Lucy the crazy free spirit girl- haha!

Once all of the picks were completed, we continued watching the show and got ready to tally up our points! We used the small sheet above in the picture as the rules but I will repost them here:
    • 1 point- receiving a rose during the rose ceremony
    • 3 points- receiving a final rose during the ceremony
    • 3 points- first impression rose
    • 1 point- chosen for group date
    • 3 points- earning a rose on a group date
    • 3 points- chosen for one on one date
    • 5 points- getting the proposal in the end
Tailor the game to your group's individual needs and preferences for the best results! I realize this post is a little late in the game, but you can always change it so that your draft can begin on next weeks episode. Or, tuck it away/Pinterest it for next season when we will have a bunch of handsome men to pick from! 

By the way, my four picks that I ended up with were Sharleen, Andi, Christine and Lacy. Wish me luck! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hi peeps! I have been wanting to start a blog in forever…and I have finally got around to doing it! I have recently had a slight obsession with finding and following fun blogs, so I thought- hey I have a lot of thoughts…why not start my own?!

For anyone who doesn’t know, I am a 22-year-old grad student pursing my master’s degree in speech pathology at Fresno State. If you are like 90% of the population, you are probably wondering what a speech pathologist is J Basically they assess and treat speech and language disorders (stuttering, articulation problems, etc.), treat swallowing disorders, provide therapy for any cognitive or language problems following a stroke, and so much more. The field of speech pathology covers a surprisingly wide range of disorders and problems!

If you're an SLP, enjoy these jokes with me:

Besides graduate school (which takes up most of my time) I am an avid reader, movie goer, puzzle doer, and ice cream eater (hello Half Baked Ben & Jerrys!). Recently I have been dedicating more of my time to fitness and eating healthy, and also FINDING MY FAITH AND WORKING ON MY RELAIONSHIP WITH GOD. I thought that deserved all caps J This has been making a huge change in my life for the better and I am excited to chronicle the changes that God is making in my heart.

My posts will just be random things that include the above topics, plus more. Stay tuned!

P.S. Finding a blog name was so hard that I almost named it Books and Farts. Seriously how cool would that have been though?!